This Ugly House
This is a log of This Ugly House. We purchased a 100 year old home that has not been updated since 1978. The idea behind this blog is to chronicle the trials and triumphants of updating This Ugly House and showing what a true beauty it can really be.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Drywall Hell Part 1

Tearing out the drywall was fun, I have to say that it's all the other stuff that I really hate.

Here is wall #2. Measuring and LIFTING THE DRYWALL sucked bigtime. But we got it all up and mudded. Yeah for us.

This is what we looked like after. It was fun cleaning up. Look it all missed Ben's ring. How nice was that.
Stay turned for our next adventure.
Poo, Part 2

Well as you can see the city came out to dig up their side, so I went out in the rain to see what they could tell me. Well they had a camera and sent it into the poo line towards the house. So I got to see how bad it really was. Well folks this is where it gets interesting. You see the roots and grease and who knows what else I saw (an old rusted auger that broke off in the hole), well any way you get the idea, it had to be replaced. And if you can picture my face at this point in time. Yeah, well just be glad you didn't.
So they come out and give me a estimate and told me the worst case the middle and the best case scenario.
The guy was very nice and respectful, the whole crew was, they answered all my questions and didn't mind my nose in the way.
We had the middle case scenario, they didn't have to dig up our whole yard to run the pipe. They cleaned it out and put a 4 in pipe inside the old 6 in.. CLAY pipe. The Only problem they had is that the place where they wanted to connect it was rotted and they had to put a hole in our floor in the basement. Wonderful (I am thinking) so I call Ben and tell him what's going on. Anyway it wasn't to thick and he did a good job and they even cemented it back in for us.
and of course the outside you can see for yourself.

Oh and by the way if you were wondering about the city's side. It was a whole lot worse then our side. Thank goodness the really bad part was on theie side.
So stay tuned for next weeks adventure.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
There Was and Incident This Weekend

Our sewer line was clogged and backing up into our basement. The spot above is where the drain is for the basement. I will spare you people the much more gruesome photos. There was a poo pond about 10 feet in diameter emnating from the center of the drain. This was Sunday evening.
Our next door neighbor owns a sewer cleaning service and he was home spending some time working on his yard and playing with his kids. The last thing I wanted to do was ruin this guy's idyllic Sunday afternonon and have come over and wade through our poo pond.
So I call him Monday morning to come over instead, not realizing that the guy works a 12 hour 6pm to 6am at one of the local factories as well. So the guy came over Monday morning after getting an hours worth of sleep or so to auger out sewer. The first run pulled a sizeable pile of roots and we assumed that was the major problem. After several more runs of the auger and some more piles of roots the drain had still not gone down. In the picture below you can see some remnants of the roots in the plastic bag. Our neighbor (Kent) tried a couple of other tricks of the trade to no avail. So Kent calls someone with the city to see if that maybe there is a problem with the main. The city says that there is no problem that they are aware of. This is three hours later and I need to get back to work. So I leave it in Trish's capable hands.
Kent tries a couple of different ends for the auger and eventually gets the poo pond to drain. This leaves a dry pipe that will allow the poo cam to see what the issue really is. So after some nasty TV watching on Kent's poo cam (I'm kind of sorry that I missed that part) they determine that the problem lies in the last bit of pipe to the city main. This means that it is the responsibility of the City and not us. Kent goes home and gets some sleep and the City prepares to dig up the last 12 feet of pipe.
To be continued...

Wednesday, May 03, 2006
OMG!! Blogger Worked