So this is the first thing you see when you walk in the front door of This Ugly House. Notice the beautiful green shag carpeting. The banister has at least 37 layers of black paint. The closet on the right hand side is very dark as well. That whole wall on the right side is going to be removed. On the other side of this wall is the "mirrored" wall
in the other bedroom.

So this is obviously the view up the stairs. The stairs themself seem to be in decent shape. Nice and solid with no creaks. Unfortunately for all you shag lovers out there the carpeting is coming off. And just incase you are asking...yes the stairs are paineted with 37 layers of black paint as well. Thankfully some wonderful advances have been made in the field of chemical paint strippers.

So this is the view from the other side of the
accordian door. You can see a small closet on the right side there that we are not sure what we want to do with yet.
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