More Packing

I told Andy and Kurt that I was going to post some new pics for them so here they go...just for them. Well last night was another night of packing and getting ready for the big move this weekend. So here are some pics of the theater room. And check out that gothic looking chandelier.
As you can see it is a nice size for a room, but just a little bit too small for a theater room. There are some nice alcoves on the left side of the room that will make ideal locations for equipment and media storage. I plan on painting the walls and ceiling a nice dark purple and going with a dark gray for the carpeting. The seats will be home theater seats similar to the ones in this link except probably a microfiber instead of leather. I want to go with a loveseat/chair combination in two rows. That would give us seating for six. The seats would go on the left side of the room with an isle on the right side. As you can see from the photos the room is sunken. The back row of seats will be on the same level as the hallway outside the room and there will be some steps down to the next row. That way there won't be any heads to get in the way of the view. The room is obviously going to need a door of some sort but I just haven't figured out yet what I want. The door way is pretty wide so I could go with french doors but solid french doors would be a bit obtrusive. I like the idea of pocket doors but that seems a bit beyond my very meager carpentry skills. Anyways, any completion of the theater is a ways off.
By the way those of you that think the house doesn't deserve Ugly House ain't seen nothing yet. And yes I am aware that that was a double negative. Let me put it this way, American Standard has a "America's Ugliest Bathroom" contest every year. We have three solid entries.
With the green shag carpeting in the front entrance, the green velour upholstrey on the walls, and the vinyl upholestrey on the bedroom walls, we have alot more of This Ugly House to show.
Keep it up, Bro and Sis.
TR and Ben,
I am impressed with the house, bless your hearts. You have taken on a HUGE job. Good luck with it.
Someday it will all come together and be worth the blood, sweat, and tears that must be going on now !
Love, Sherry
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